Monday, March 29, 2010

I Expect Nothing But Trouble From This Commie Washington D.C. Commie Administration ;

Comprehensive Communism :

Commie Big government
is the problem, not the solution.

Most conservatives have seen the light.
We have seen the corrupting impact
of Commie big government.

We have lived it, and we would rather
protect our values from Commie big
government than entrust Commie
big government with them.

If we want to preserve the next electoral
victory for limited government conservatism,
we will all need to hold the GOP to its promises.

We will need to tell our lawmakers
that we demand liberty.

We will need to tell them
that their cushy seats on Capitol Hill
will be at risk EVERY time they even hint
at voting for more Commie government.

We will need to tell them
that we no longer accept lip service

Excuse me Commie Senator,
but who the hell are you to decide
who is "too wealthy?"

You'd be a perfect Commie candidate
for a Commie Fidel Castro or Commie
Hugo Chavez administration - after all,
Commie Castro did just call Commie
ObamaCare a "miracle."

Or would Commie Castro and Commie
Chavez fit right into the Commie 'leadership'
in Commie Washington, DC these days?

Regardless, all doubts that the Commie
Democrats' takeover of health care was little
more than a Commie power grab in the name
of Commie "social justice" have been confirmed.

And it should be all the more reason to push
for a repeal of this fundamentally Commie
un-American takeover

This week brings more bad news
for Commie "Making Home Affordable's"
Commie central planners in Washington.

Poor Commie planning, poor Commie
implementation, and no credible plan to
demonstrate effectiveness?
Go figure!

It also turns out that-'shockingly'-the Commie
administration grossly over-promised the
number of homeowners its Commie
scheme would assist.

Yet, taxpayers are still stuck with a $75 Billion
Commie price tag for the failed Commie program.

Commie Obamacare will end up costing
well over $2 Trillion over its (true) first ten years.

This massive Commie government plan makes
Commie 'Obama's' Commie mortgage program
look like a dusty, unwanted item on the discount
rack at the dollar store.

They couldn't handle a $1 Billion Commie
cash-for-clunkers program.

They royally screwed up a $75 Billion Commie
housing effort.

Now, they're going to run our health care

A Commie Union
Illegal Alien Federal Holiday ;

If this month long Commie celebration
'seems' excessive, it is because it is.

If history is any indication, however, it may
not be that long until all Americans must submit
to Commie Chavez Day because Commie
'Barack Obama', as a 'presidential candidate',
thought that it ought to be a Commie
federal holiday.

Commie 'Obama' was pandering to a certain
Commie wing of the Hispanic vote and he
sincerely believes in the Commie struggle
of Commie La Raza, but I submit to you,
dear reader, that Commie Cesar Chavez Day
ought not to have been a holiday in the first place.

There are several myths
about Commie Chávez that deserve explanation,
clarification, and explication, but the most pressing
of these myths is that Commie Chavez helped
Latino fruit pickers get a living wage.
He did no such thing

It is the Commie activist community organizers
who are the community destroyers, as they pit
their Commie followers against the policies
that would otherwise help them advance
in society into productive positions.

They advocate
for the Commie minimum wage,
creating unemployment.

They advocate for Commie green jobs,
Commie jobs that destroy wealth and by
Commie extension greater real job creation
as dictated by consumers.

They advocate for Commie labor unions
that end up wrecking the companies that
created the labor in the first place.

They advocate for Commie socialized medicine,
which like all Commie experiments in central
Commie planning produces a worse and more
costly Commie service.

They advocate for artificially Commie cheap
credit for things like homes that end up distorting
and crushing the economy.

They advocate for Commie affirmative action
which institutionalizes Commie reverse racism
and denigrates the people it purports to help
by implying that those of a certain background
cannot make it on their own merits.

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;

Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;