The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
In the wake of this Commie 'health' 'care'
'debate's' despicable, dysfunctional Commie
process and Commie product, it is clear :
The most dangerous Commie special
interest is Commie Government and Commie
'President' 'Obama' is its Commie lobbyist.
In contrast to Americans' faith in themselves,
every major piece of Commie legislation
proffered by the Commie 'President' and his
Commie Democratic Congress expands
and empowers Commie Government at the
expense of the people.
Possessed of a smug, cynical, patronizing
Commie view of Americans as Commie
dependents desiring Commie State benefits,
this arrogant Commie administration and its
Commie enablers have defied the American
people and bi-partisan opposition in Congress
to unilaterally jam through a trillion-dollar
Commie government takeover of health care
Unfortunately, high-tax Commie nations
have figured out that tax competition is
a threat and want to interfere with the right of
low-tax jurisdictions to maintain good policy.
This Commie campaign to undermine fiscal
sovereignty is usually characterized as an attack
on so-called tax havens, but that is just the first
Commie step.
Commie International bureaucracies such
as the Paris-based Commie Organization
for Commie Economic Cooperation and
Development favor Commie
"global governance" policies.
Other Commie bureaucracies, including
the Commie United Nations and Commie
European Commission, also favor
one-size-fits-all global Commie rules
to benefit high-tax Commie nations
such as France and Germany
Commie 'health' 'care' 'reform' ;
Not only will the Commie legislation not
cut one thin dime from the Commie deficit,
it will also certainly cost far more than the
$940 billion in new Commie spending
already on the table for at least three
reasons :
These include ;
1. Commie Legislative Trickery.
2. Higher Commie Premiums.
3. Bad Commie Accounting.
The Commie government is terrible
at predicting how much Commie
programs will cost
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
'has signed into law' the Commie Democrats'
trillion-dollar Commie 'health' 'care' Commie
takeover, meaning that one-sixth of the
United States economy has now come under
the Commie purview of the Commie 'federal'
Arizona State economics professor
William Boyes has estimated that the Commie
government already owns or controls about
one-third of U.S. economic activity through the
Commie takeover of General Motors, the
partial Commie ownership of two of the
country's largest banks in Bank of America
and Citigroup, and the 'seizure' of Commie
mortgage giants Commie Fannie Mae
and Commie Freddie Mac
as well as Commie AIG.
Combine those numbers,
and we're looking at roughly half
of the U.S. 'economy'
American tax dollars should not be used
to bail out Greece - or any country -
that engages in reckless Commie
government spending
and Commie deficits.
And yet, a Commie bailout
paid for by U.S. taxpayers
remains a real possibility.
If Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is considering bailing out Greece,
American taxpayers need to send
him a message.
And our message is: "Just Say No"
Enforcement Commie Czar
and Commie SEIU boss Andy Stern ;
Fresh off his Commie 'health' 'care' 'reform'
Commie victory, he's renewing his attack
on Bank of America, one of the banks
Commie SEIU and Commie ACORN
targeted during the Commie 'foreclosure'
'crisis' and Commie 'bank' 'bailouts'.
Bank employees reportedly received a memo
saying "that SEIU is ramping up a big attack
on the banks again about derivatives,"
according to sources.
What makes Commi Stern's attack particularly
audacious is that, according to Commie SEIU's
latest LM-2 financial report filed with the federal
Department of Labor, the Commie union currently
has an outstanding loan of $94,578,779
from Bank of America.
It has repaid a paltry $1,740,250
Another unlikely power figure has emerged
in the Commie Obama Administration.
If the ability to influence national leaders,
shape a national agenda and influence public
opinion are indicators, then, Peter Orszag,
the Director of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), is, arguably,
the most powerful and, potentially,
most dangerous, man in Washington, DC.
What makes Peter Orszag so dangerous
is his access to more information, at a
granular level, than any federal employee.
Information is power, and the ability to sculpt
information with impunity makes Orszag
Information withheld can cause
as many problems as information
that has been doctored, and whether intentional,
or not, inaccurate information, disseminated
by OMB, presented as fact to Congress and the
American people, is what has often occurred
While Sunday's Commie action
in the Commie House, handed one-sixth
of our nation's economy over to the Commie
'federal' government, we can still save future
generations of Americans from the job-crushing
Commie debt and rationed Commie 'medical care'
'prescribed' in the Commie 'Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act.
That is why I've introduced a bill
to fully repeal this fatally flawed
Commie legislation
The 'logic' behind Commie Speaker Pelosi's
'health' 'bill' math defies common sense.
Indeed, anyone claiming to make things
cheaper by having the 'government' provide it
would do well to delegate financial decisions to
someone else.
A quick glance
at the Commie Treasury Secretary's annual
financial statement is all the proof we need.
The United States is in a financial freefall
and a 'new' Commie government healthcare
entitlement will only make things worse.
Existing Commie 'entitlement' programs
like Medicare have unfunded Commie liabilities
amounting to $43 trillion-a figure that grows
by nearly $2 trillion per year.
If all of these facts were not enough,
the Commie Democrats 'enacted' their 'new'
'law' as a result of Commie bribery.
The American people have heard about many
of the Commie deals made prior to the vote.
The Commie Cornhusker Kickback,
Commie Florida Gatorade,
and Commie Louisiana Purchase
are but a few examples.
It is a national disgrace that our Congress
has become an Commie institution dependent
on Commie extortion to enact major legislation.
And we cannot ignore the historic level
of Commie oppression implemented
by Commie Speaker Pelosi's Rules Committee
in her Commie effort to gain passage
of the Commie 'bill'.
As much as the content of the Commie 'bill'
itself, the manner in which it 'passed' Congress
provides clear evidence that the Commie 'bill'
was about Commie government power
not the health of America