Monday, March 8, 2010

Opposing The Maoists Manchurians On The Potomac & Commie Obamunist Zombieland ;

"Overall, federal workers earned an average
salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations
that exist both in government and the private
sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics

The average pay for the same mix of jobs
in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008,
the most recent data available."

And let's just add insult to injury :
"These salary figures do not include the value
of health, pension and other benefits, which
averaged $40,785 per federal employee
in 2008 vs. $9,882 per private worker,
according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis."

Americans need to understand the devastating
significance of the House vote on the Senate
Commie healthcare bill set for March 18th.

The Democrats have-by design-created the
perfect storm to take over the US healthcare system,
while providing an ideal distraction-reconciliation.

These deceptive practices, which may seem like
everyday occurrences in Congress, can be summed
up as the ultimate betrayal by the Democrats
against the American people in order to ram through
their progressive, socialistic, freedom-stripping
policies-all for the Holy Grail of healthcare
and the prize of total control of the American people.

Healthcare is the basic necessity that will cause
Americans to kneel at the almighty throne of the
federal government and become completely fearful
of not getting proper care, referrals, testing, surgery,
and prescriptions, among others.

The House Democrats have a difficult choice
of party politics or the will of the American people.

The American people
have made their will known-kill the bill

The big banks and Wall Street firms
support the President's Financial Reform package.

The House passed bill
contains the mother of all bailouts - a $4 trillion
authorization for the Federal Reserve to continue
to bailout firms for decades to come.

In fact, as conservatives in the House reminded
us when the Obama/Frank bill was on the floor,
this bill makes bailouts the permanent policy
of the US government.

And who gets those bailouts?
The same banks and firms that support the bill.

The Commie 'Obama' Administration
staged a 'Health Care Summit' at Blair House
& It was to be the Commie 'President's'
President "Moses Moment," when he would
part the seas and bring the Republicans,
Democrats and Our country together
and get everyone on board his "much maligned"
Federally Run Health Care Program.
(ObamaCare 2.0).

When The Congressional Budget Office was
asked to review and "score" ObamaCare 2.0,
its response was : "The CBO can not score
or evaluate the plan due to a lack of detail."

The Democrats cannot even win the issue
with their own dominant majority,
for a very good reason.

They cannot even convince their own
Democrat rank and file that they know best,
when the American Public has made it clear
that they do NOT want this Plan.

The meeting turned out not to be a Parting
of the Seas event, but appears to have been
the prelude to a tsunami that could damage our
country, wash away our rights and liberties,
and adversely impact every American

If the Commie EPA 'endangerment finding'
were simply an assessment of the scientific
literature, the Senate would have no business
voting on it.

But it is much more than that.
It is the setup for the Commie EPA
to take control of vast portions of the economy.

It is the Commie trigger for a cascade
of regulations potentially more costly than any
climate bill or treaty Congress has considered
and either rejected or declined to enact or ratify

Not enough people know about the
Commie Tides Foundation, which is one
of the original Commie "philanthropic" donation
launderers for donors who don't want to be tied
to Commie fringe activist groups.

They're the Commie sugar daddy for Commie
ACORN (whose founder, Wade Rathke, is
intricately linked within Tides official leadership).

A look at their 2008 tax return, 160-plus pages,
reads like a directory of the New Left.

I've pulled out the donations to Commie
ACORN groups and Commie Big Labor's
Working America Education Fund (not many
people know Commie unions take in ostensibly
charitable donations) and one theme is clear :
"general support" seems to be a popular phrase.

Another theme : notice that states receiving money
are critical to election-year success for Democrats.

And finally, notice just how much money
is being thrown around

A study released by the
American Consumer Institute contains
some bad news for proponents of net neutrality.

Whereas advocates of "open internet" rules
often argue that the institution of the policy
is necessary to preserve innovation and would
benefit consumers, the study finds that
"new Internet regulations, including those
now under consideration by the
Commie FCC, would restrict technology
advances, innovation and job growth."