Friday, March 5, 2010

Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Washington D.C. : A wretched hive of scum & villainy ;

Let's be clear, the creation of a Commie federal
Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA)
is a Commie liberal's dream.

The agency would have the power to regulate
businesses of any size.

The House passed legislation, authored by
Barney Frank, would as Rep Jeb Hensarling
(R-Texas) put it in remarks before the
House Financial Services Committee
"create a brand new, large draconian federal
agency with new sweeping powers."

Do Republicans Not Get It?
Did they not pay attention to the thousands
of tea parties this past year?

Did they not see the hundreds of thousands
of tea party protesters across the nation?

Did they miss the million protesters who marched
down the streets of Washington DC
on September 12th?

Are the Republicans really that blind?
Do they Not Care?

After all of the posturing and preening and shouting
and yelling and marching and tea party protesting,
America is about to get the whole Democrat agenda
shoved down our collective throat.

Barack Obama announced today that Democrats
are going to use reconciliation to jam Obamacare
through Congress and essentially nationalize
one-sixth of the US economy.

And now, Republicans are about to offer them
the rest of the American economy on a silver platter
thanks to Senator Bob Corker.

Congress is currently working to create
a whole new consumer protection division
within the Federal Reserve.

This new division will give the Fed more power
and focus on consumer protection.

And, a Republican, Bob Corker, is for some
reason leading the charge to create this whole
new bureaucracy

While the media and most of the public are
consumed by the health care death march, the
Senate is deep in negotiations to pass a sweeping
re-regulation of the financial sector.

As the public knows, ObamaCare is an attempt
to regulate 1/6th of the US economy.

The financial 'reform' proposal, though, will
impact the other 5/6ths of the economy.

In many respects, the financial services 'reform'
is much more damaging to the economy and our
future competitiveness.

Worse, its passage is being aided by Bob Corker.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) has snatched defeat
from the jaws of victory with his complete
capitulation and total surrender on the Financial
Services bill.

The bill, passed by the House with a $4 trillion
bailout provision, making bailouts the permanent
policy of the United States government, was on it's
last legs until Corker came to the rescue.

Now the Washington Post and other are reporting
that Corker and ethically-challenged, retiring Sen.
Chris Dodd (D-CT) are on the verge of a deal to
breathe life back into the regulatory
and bailout scheme.

Let's be clear - the President and the hard left
want this bill.

David Reilly of Bloomberg described the measure
as Barney Frank's $4 trillion gift to the banks

The Commie Harvard-based Belfer Center
for Commie Science and International Affairs
has determined fuel prices must rise significantly
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Thus, in the name of discredited Commie Leftist
psuedo-science, your gas prices could reach
$7 a gallon.

In this tepid spat of Think Tanks vs. Gas Tanks,
we glean two things : these Commie researchers
have recession-proof jobs; and they are
unconcerned that you don't.

How else to explain these Commie researchers'
cavalier demand that your shrinking family budget
must get smaller and your job must become more
tenuous all so Commie Goddess Gaia
can keep her cool?

Fiscal Obesity : The Commie Way

In recent years, Congress, along with a compliant
President Bush and now with an enthusiastic
'President' 'Obama', has been appeasing another
kind of appetite with reckless abandon.

The toll this fiscal obesity will exact from America
and our people is incalculable

Clearly, most Americans do not want to be force
fed programs they haven't asked for and that they
know neither they, their children nor their
grandchildren can possibly afford.

People throughout the country are beginning to dig
in their heels and a growing number of congressmen
and senators know it.

It appears that the American electorate, long
apathetic and used to acquiescing by default to
reckless government spending is awakening from
its long slumber.

Let's hope so, for it is the last best hope we have
to rein in the destructive behavior of so many of
our elected representatives of both parties in
Washington and the White House strategists who
lead them on

Commie D.C.'s biggest Commie union bosses
have their say - and they don't just have a say,
they have a checkbook to put
where their mouths are.

And both words and munitions are taking on an
overtly combative tone.

The AFL-CIO plans to roll out its biggest political
campaign ever, surpassing the $53 million spent in
2008 to help elect President Barack Obama, to try
to avert a repeat of the 1994 midterm election when
Democrats lost a majority in Congress.

If that sounds a bit aggressive, that's nothing
compared to the powerful head of the AFSCME
public employee union, who is saying
"The time has come to draw a line in the sand.
Regardless of your party affiliation,
if you're not with us, you are against us."