The promise - more a rumor than anything
else - that the U.S. Senate will use the
reconciliation process to adopt a strong ban on
abortion funding if the House passes the
Senate-approved Commie Hell Care bill is
flakier than most.
Never before in the history of the 34-year
abortion funding debate have pro-life members
of Congress approved a bill containing abortion
funding on the promise that a subsequent vote
will fix the problem
What the Commie 'president's' Commie
Hell Care plan would deliver, is dead-certain
entitlement spending, financed with speculative
revenue and spending cuts that almost certainly
will not work as advertised.
In fact,
Congress should reject Commie Hell Care
to protect the budget from more unfunded
entitlement obligations
As analysts have noted time and again, spending
from congressional Commie liberals' health care
proposals would be in the trillions, growing the
federal deficit.
The Commie 'President' has proposed a
modification of the Senate bill with provisions
that would make it even more expensive.
At last week's 'Health Care' Summit, hosted by
the Commie White House, Rep. Paul Ryan
(R-WI) echoed these same concerns over the
true cost of the President's proposal for
health care reform.
Thus far, neither the 'Commie' President nor the
'leaders' of Congress- not one- have responded
to Ryan's indictment
Given serious questions about Commie global
warming science as well as the efficacy of costly
proposals to address it, the best choice for
Washington is none of the above.
These measures have a thing in common-their
Even if one still believes in Commie global
warming, unilateral action against the American
people and American economy would hardly
dent the upward trajectory of emissions.
China alone out emits the U.S. and its emissions
growth is projected to be nine times higher than
And it is hard to ignore Chinese government
officials' frequent and unambiguous statements
that they will never impose similar restrictions on
themselves, though some Commie global warming
activists still try.
Commie Washington
cracking down on fossil fuels in the name of
Commie global warming would result in much
economic pain for little if any environmental gain
Commie "Stimulus Bill" spending crowds out
the private sector.
There are more Commie government jobs
competing with private market jobs
and it is not a level playing field.
The Commie government jobs are paid for
by the taxpayers regardless of whether their
employers run them prudently because it can
operate at a loss indefinitely until the
government goes bankrupt and the federal spigot
must be turned off.
Another problem with Commie "Stimulus Bill"
spending is that many workers hired by the
government are paid Davis Bacon wages, which
are artificially high.
Therefore fewer workers can be hired,
contributing to longer-term unemployment
Commie 'President' 'Obama' announced his
Commie bank tax during his State of the Union
Address in January and claimed it would be
a way to recoup money dished out to banks
as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program
The truth, though, is that those banks already
paid-back the bailouts, with interest; the real
deadbeat offenders are Freddie Mac,
Fannie Mae, Chrysler and General Motors,
who have yet to repay their debt.
The President's proposal was a
not-so-thinly-veiled populist proposal,
intended to play to an America disgruntled
with government bailouts and those institutions
that won government handouts.
So President Obama wants to slap a tax
on banks, but should you really care?
Those taxes are going to wind up costing
YOU money, whether you're a customer,
a bank employee or an investor, according to the
non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
The economy's continued poor performance
means Commie 'President' 'Obama' is falling
further and further behind on his promise to
create millions of new jobs.
'Obama' 'promised' that if elected he would
'create' 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010
through 'new' economic 'policies', beginning with
the Commie enactment of a massive Commie
economic stimulus package.
Accompanying his jobs promise, the 'President'
also emphasized accountability and measuring his
'presidency' by results.
The result of the 'President's' 'jobs' promise
means total employment which in February
stood at 129.5 million should be at least 137.8
million by the end of 2010, leaving the 'Obama'
jobs deficit at almost 8.3 million jobs
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;