Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
There's a great deal of diversity
among tea party people.
Some just want lower taxes,
and some also want less regulation.
Still others are pro-life voters
or Christian conservatives that also want
fiscal responsibility.
Many others push for conservative judges,
while still others hold up signs calling
for a restoration of American sovereignty,
or protecting America's borders,
or defeating cap and trade or card check.
But they all have two things in common :
They all want smaller government,
and oppose the trampling of the
Constitution embodied in these efforts
to radically expand the size and scope
of government.
And as part of that desire,
they want this utterly-ludicrous spending
binge to end before it bankrupts all of us.
There's nothing extremist
about that agenda, because common
sense is never extreme
The fight over tax havens
is not just a matter of economics
and tax policy.
It also deals with the critical issue
of national fiscal sovereignty.
International Commie bureaucracies
such as the Commie United Nations
and the Paris-based Commie
Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
want the Commie power to veto
national tax laws, something that
should horrify any sensible person.
If Commie 'Obama' succeeds
in joining with high-tax Commie nations
such as France to undermine tax competition
and tax havens, the American economy
will suffer as capital is withdrawn
from our financial system.
Less jobs, less growth,
and more dependency.
That almost seems
to be the goal in Commie Washington
When Commie 'Barack Obama'
decided to launch his Commie political
career in the living room of unrepentant
domestic Commie terrorist Bill Ayers,
he tacitly endorsed using Commie violence
as a political tactic.
And when two staunch allies of the Commie
Democratic Party-the Commie SEIU and
Commie ACORN-drove busloads of
protesters to the private homes of AIG
executives, just days later, Commie
'President' 'Obama' told a meeting
of bankers that "my administration is
the only thing between you
and the pitchforks."
Implicitly, Commie 'Obama' was using
the threat of violence to get the bankers
to acquiesce.
During his Commie 'presidential' 'campaign',
Commie 'Barack Obama' didn't shy away
from confrontation.
In fact, he encouraged it by telling Commie
supporters to "argue with" opponents
and to "get in their face[s]"
Commie House Majority Whip
& Commie Rep. James Clyburn (SC)
recently accused Republicans of "aiding
and abetting terrorism" because of their
support for the Tea Party movement.
With all due respect, Commie Rep.Clyburn
needs to clean out his own Commie party first
before he has standing to say anything
on the subject.
Top Commie Democrat Party activists
Commie Jodie Evans and Commie Medea
Benjamin, through their group Commie Code
Pink, have spent the past eight years terrorizing
soldiers, their families and public officials on the
homefront while working with Commie terrorists
and Commie state sponsors of Commie terrorism
Rather than being condemned
and disowned, Commie Code Pink
is embraced by Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama' and leading Commie
Democrats while being celebrated by the
Commie media
Commie Unions :
Union pension plans are disastrously
underfunded & Unions blame everyone
but themselves for the underfunding.
Unions use the money in their pension
funds-which they control but do not
own -for corporate proxy campaigns
and political purposes.
Every year the AFL-CIO issues
its Key Votes Survey as part of their
Proxy Voting Guidelines.
The Survey's 2009 edition advised
pension fund trustees to vote for proxy
resolutions supporting Commie
'health care reform', increased Commie
global warming regulation, and Commie
corporate governance proposals to allow
Commie unions to have a greater say
on the pay and benefits of corporate
Commie Unions use protests
and their financial assets to strong arm
companies into supporting Commie
left-wing social agendas and Commie
policies that help unions.
Many times these Commie agendas
can harm the very companies in which
unions have invested.
The result is Commie labor bosses
getting what they want but the pensions
of the rank and file workers being harmed
There Better Not Be Anymore Commie
*RINO's Appointed, Elected Or Running
For Any Office In This Country Any More,
As They Have & They Will
Only Give Us Trouble ;
*RINO : Republican In Name Only