Monday, March 29, 2010

Commies Only Bailout Entities That Enable Commie Entitlement Policies ;

Just look at history.

The Commie Troubled Assets
Relief Program bailed out Commie
institutions declared "too big to fail."

As a result of those Commie bailouts,
these same Commie institutions are even
bigger today.

The Commie 'Obama' 'administration's'
solution to the problem is to limit executive
pay and take other Commie measures to
Commie regulate private enterprise
on Wall Street.

Yet new Commie bailout authorities
for the Commie 'federal' government may,
if recent history is repeated, make massive
Commie institutions even bigger.

The Commie Dodd 'bill' would actually
create a Commie permanent, $50 billion
Commie emergency fund to rescue or
unwind Commie firms deemed to be a
threat by the new Commie Financial
Stability Oversight Council.

Explicit Commie financial support
of the largest Commie firms by the Commie
federal government encourages risky Commie
behavior and skews the market place, resulting
in progressively riskier and larger Commie firms

A group of over two dozen
prominent conservatives led
by former Atty. Gen. Ed Meese
and operating under the umbrella
of the Conservative Action Project
has issued a highly critical analysis
of Commie Goodwin Liu, Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie 'nominee'
to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,
saying he has "repeatedly shown
a Commie lack of respect
for the Constitution
as the Supreme law of the land."

The memo calls on the Senate
to reject his nomination.

Here is their case against Commie Liu

In yet another example of Commie
violence spreading north of the border,
a deadly Commie Mexican gang is actively
plotting to kill U.S. law enforcement officers
and their families in Texas, according to a
Department of Homeland Security alert
that warns the cops to wear body armor
and vary routes to avoid being tracked.

Issued this week, the government directive
instructs area law enforcement officers-
local and federal-in El Paso to be extra
vigilant because the Commie Mexican-based
Commie Barrio Azteca gang is retaliating
for a recent sweep targeting its Commie
thugs for murdering two Americans
at the U.S. Consulate Juarez.

Dubbed "Operation Knock Down,"
the huge crackdown focused on the lethal
Commie Barrio Azteca gang, which operates
in El Paso jails, and its counterpart in Commie
Mexico, which is allied with the renowned Juarez
drug cartel.

In all, 54 Commie gang members
and their Commie criminal associates
were arrested in El Paso's largest law
enforcement operation which involved
more than 200 officers from 21 agencies,
including the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) and the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA)

Commie E.P.A., D.O.E. Fraud : Energy Star

The Commie scandal-plagued
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
runs the Commie program along with the Commie
Department of Energy (DOE) and millions of tax
dollars have been spent to 'encourage' Americans
to use its Commie approved products.

In fact, Commie Energy Star just got
a $300 million Commie infusion from
the Commie American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act so states
can offer Commie rebates.

Now a congressional investigation reveals
that products carrying the Commie coveted
Energy Star label may not be efficient after all
because the Commie program is highly vulnerable
to Commie fraud.

More than a dozen fake items, including a
"gasoline-powered alarm clock" and nonexistent
dehumidifiers and heat pumps, submitted for
approval easily secured the Commie Energy Star
label, according to a report issued this week
by the Government Accountability Office.

It includes the embarrassing details
of a nine-month probe that sheds a shameful light
on the Commie government for wasting tax dollars
and essentially deceiving Americans into believing
they're using quality, energy-saving products with
a reliable stamp of Commie approval.

For the most part Commie Energy Star
is a self-certification project susceptible
to Commie fraud and abuse, investigators found

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;