Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Resisting Fast Tracking Evil, Unconstitutional & Treasonous Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores ;

As written, the current Commie 'health care' 'bill'
before Congress already is guaranteed to face
serious constitutional challenges on enumerated
powers, 5th Amendment, racial discrimination,
and unequal state treatment.

Now the Commie White House
seems determined to add a whole
new reason courts will throw out
Commie Obamacare on sight

The Commie Senate-passed extenders
bill includes several Commie 'health care'
provisions that follow the same flawed
policies of the big Commie Stimulus Bill.

Once again, these Commie provisions move
the health care system in the wrong direction

Commie Democratic leaders in the House of
Representatives appear to have abandoned
their efforts to persuade a small band of pro-life
members of their party to vote for a Commie
Senate bill that contains numerous provisions
that subsidize Commie elective abortion.

Instead, the Commie Democratic leaders are
daring those pro-life members not to vote for
the Commie permissive Senate bill and take
what they believe will be heat for defeating
Commie 'health reform'.

In something of a reverse grief cycle, Commie
Speaker of the House Pelosi has moved from
Commie bargaining to Commie anger.

It remains to be seen
whether the death of the Commie 'health care'
'reform' she favors lies along that axis or
whether a resurrection is at hand

In an Commie attempt to solve the nation's
current economic woes, legislators remain
fixated on a single solution : federal stimulus

This is the wrong solution, regardless of the
sweet rhetoric used by some Washington
lawmakers, and is no economic stimulus.

Two days ago the Commie Senate passed
(62 to 36) another round of stimulus
(this time dubbed a "jobs bill") which, among
other items, extends unemployment benefits for
up to one additional year.

Unemployment benefits will now extend to two
years under federal law which begs the question :

Are these benefits
becoming a de facto welfare program?

Moreover, states and businesses have been
bracing for the pain of financing these changes
for a while now; State governments are already
drawing on 'loans' from the federal government.

By 2012, States unemployment trust funds are
expected to be fully depleted-at which time
the federal government will have to replenish
these funds with approximately $90 billion

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;