Commie 'President'
'Obama' 'promised' Americans
that "If you like the plan you
have now, you can keep it."
It was a fundamental Commie
'promise' of Commie Obamacare.
But if the coverage you like comes via
a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a
Flexible Spending Account (FSA), that
'promise' may not hold
Commie Congressional liberals
are correct about one thing, Commie
Obamacare is historic.
It is an unprecedented Commie takeover
of Americans' health care now equal to
one-sixth of the entire US economy.
It is historic for its Commie partisan
Commie backroom deals and controversial
Commie parliamentary tactics.
And it is historic for its apparent disregard
for the strongly held opinion of the majority
of the American people.
But it will long be remembered for
its catastrophic Commie side effects- in
record Commie spending and its
Commie disruption- on the lives
of millions of Americans
As CommieObamacare
inched its way toward passage,
boosters of the Commie radical
Commie legislation began making
bold new Commie claims
about its Commie virtues.
The Commie 'bill', they said,
would do far more than simply fix
the health care system; it would
create jobs and boost the economy, too.
Not surprisingly,
the early evidence is quickly
proving their Commie claims to be false.
Consider Massachusetts.
It is home to a large portion
of the nation's life sciences industry.
That industry now faces major job
losses due to the new Commie
Obamacare Commie
tax on medical devices.
So long, jobs.
If Commie Congress had been serious
about stimulating the economy, they
would never have voted for Commie
Instead, they would have worked
to prevent new tax increases until
unemployment falls.
When it comes to job creation,
Commie Obamacare completely misses
the mark-unless you count the thousands
of Commie IRS slots needed to enforce
the Commie 'bill'
Commie Obamacare
is the wrong way to go
Commie Provisions,
such as the rich benefits insurers
will be required to offer in all health
plans, will add further to premium prices.
And don't forget the Commie taxes.
When asked if health premiums would go
up, Aetna CEO Ron Williams responded,
"The answer is yes, and some of the things
that will drive those premiums are significant
additional taxes the industry will ultimately
have to pay in the first year."
And Premium increases will discourage
young adults from purchasing insurance
That will only fuel a "death spiral"
of out-of-control premium price hikes
The Commie 'President'
has made a habit of using
conservative talking points
when trying to sell Commie
liberal ideology because he
knows that this is a center-right
country that rejects his Commie
His Commie supporters
have even tried to shift blame of
the unconstitutional individual mandate
Over 16,000 new Commie IRS agents
will be hired by the Commie government
to enforce the Commie 'President's'
mandate on the American people.
The Commie 'President's' 'health care'
plan also raises premiums, taxes, and
costs while lowering quality,
and expanding Medicaid.
These are not conservative ideas
In the the Commie Congressional
'health care' debate, Commie House
Commie Speaker Commie Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA) told the Commie National
Association of Counties :
"We have to pass the bill
so that you can find out what is in it."
After the end of the first week
of Commie Obamacare Commie
Speaker Commie Pelosi has been
proven right : we are just now finding
out what is in it.
AT&T, the biggest U.S. telephone
company, announced that it would take
a $1 billion Commie charge against earnings
thanks to Commie tax changes buried
in the 2,300+ page Commie 'bill'.
$1 billion.
That is a full third of AT&T's $3 billion
earnings for the fourth quarter of 2009.
And AT&T is not alone.
Towers Watson estimates that just this
Commie tax change alone will eliminate
$14 billion in U.S. corporate profits.
That's $14 billion less
American employers have to
spend creating new jobs when
our unemployment rate is still 9.7%.
And AT&T is not the only company
informing employees that Commie
Obamacare is going to mean worse
care for them.
Verizon Communications,
the second biggest U.S. phone company,
told employees last week that Commie
Obamacare "may have significant
implications for both retirees
and employers"
Commie Union bosses
howled about one Commie
Obamacare tax hike : the levy
on "Cadillac" health plans
(expensive plans rich in benefits).
The problem with this Commie tax,
as they see it, is that it hits the very plans
often enjoyed by their Commie rank-and-file.
Ever eager to please the Commie unions,
Commie Democratic leaders added a "fix"
to the Commie 'reconciliation' 'bill' the Commie
'president' has 'signed' into 'law'
It delays the unpopular Commie tax to 2018.
The pols are touting it as a scaled back version
of the Commie tax.
But even the Commie "fix" is broken
The Commie leftist majorities
in Congress were incensed that
America's employers would dare
warn their investors about the costs
of Commie Obamacare at the same
time as the Commie 'Obama' Commie
administration's national Commie sales
pitch was set to begin.
Caterpillar was quick to inform
the markets exactly what Commie
Obamacare meant for its bottom line.
Caterpillar announced that Commie
Obamacare would raise its insurance
costs by at least 20 percent - or more
than $100 million - just in the first year of
the Commie 'health-care' 'overhaul' program.
And Caterpillar was not alone.
Other Fortune 500 firms quickly
followed suit announcing Commie
Obamacare hits to their bottom line
including: Deere & Co., $150 million;
AK Steel, $31 million; 3M, $90 million;
Valero Energy, $20 million;
and AT&T, $1 billion.
The consulting firm
Towers Watson tells the Wall Street
Journal that the total Commie hit this
year will reach nearly $14 billion.
America's employers
simply can't sustain losses like these,
so many of these companies, including
Verizon, have informed their employees
to expect significant changes to their
current health care benefits
Commie 'President' 'Obama' has
appointed one of Commie Big Labor's
Commie lawyers to a post at the
Commie National Labor Relations Board.
The Commie appointment of Commie
Craig Becker was expected-despite
the Senate's bipartisan rejection of him.
Prior to his appointment, Becker served
as Commie associate general counsel to
the Commie Service Employees International
The Commie union, which spent
an estimated $66 million in 2008
for Commie 'Obama's' 'election',
has been rewarded dearly for its
Commie support.
Becker is the third Commie SEIU
leader tapped for a post by Commie
The appearance of Commie preferential
treatment hasn't stopped Commie 'Obama'
from rewarding his Commie allies at
Commie SEIU.
Commie Stern was picked to serve
on Commie 'Obama's' Commie debt
Commie Burger was tapped for Commie
'Obama's' Commie Economic Recovery
Commie Advisory Board in 2009.
And now Commie Becker,
despite Senate opposition, has secured a
Commie coveted Commie appointment to
represent Commie Big Labor's interests
at the Commie NLRB
While the Commie Environmental
Commie Protection Agency grinds
ahead with its Commie Clean Air Act
Commie regulations to force Commie
reductions of carbon dioxide emissions
from energy consumption, the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) released a
report on a different Commie energy
Commie conservation program
introduced by the Commie EPA
under the same Commie 'law'.
Just because the Commie 'government'
'deems' something to be more energy
efficient does not mean it is.
In fact,
not only may it NOT be more energy
efficient but also it may not even be real
Comprehensive Global Communism :
International Finance Of Global
Commie Enviromentalism ;
The banking giant HSBC
removed two Commie companies
involved in Commie carbon trading
from its Commie Climate Change Index
because they had lost too much value.
Analysts from HSBC said the cause
was mainly that Commie 'governments'
had failed to come up with a Commie
timetable for a Commie global climate deal
at the Commie United Nations Commie
summit in Copenhagen in December.
Commie "Carbon trading
was the major loser from Copenhagen,"
HSBC analysts said in their March 2010
Quarterly Index Review.
Commie 'Cap and trade needs hard targets
and binding Commie rules - and Copenhagen
delivered neither,' HSBC said."
HSBC created a Commie Global Climate
Change Benchmark Index and had four Commie
climate change indices, two of which include a
Commie Climate Change Index and a HSBC
Commie Low Carbon Energy Production Index
(including: solar, wind, biofuels, geothermal).
An HSBC press statement reads:
"In creating these indices, HSBC has responded
to changing investor sentiment in global equity markets.
The HSBC research team
has looked at a wide range of stocks
and identified approximately 300 Commie
companies that are well positioned to benefit
from the Commie challenges
of Commie climate change."
This is a Commie big problem
of the Commie government
creating false expectations.
Commie Businesses
were convinced that the Commie
federal government would continue
its Commie trek to regulate CO2
and subsequently prepared for a
Commie carbon-constrained
Commie future by building
Commie business models
around it.
HSBC's Commie Global Climate
Change Benchmark Index is just
one example.
Companies, especially
in energy-intensive industries, began
to prepare to comply with Commie
regulations, adjust to Commie higher
prices and adapt their operations
to reduce CO2.
Energy producers became Commie
vested Commie stakeholders and lobbied
for Commie handouts to produce Commie
CO2-free energy to capitalize on their own
investments and reap the 'benefits'
of Commie 'government' 'handouts'.
Major oil companies invested
in Commie 'renewable' 'energy'
'technology' to capitalize on Commie
subsidies and Commie tax breaks while
'enhancing' their image.
Even industries that do not emit relatively
large mounts of CO2 had to prepare for
Commie higher energy costs as well as be
more cognizant of their own carbon output.
In the heart
of California's anemic economy,
the Commie Mayor of L.A. and the
Department of Water and Power (DWP)
hope to massively raise energy rates by a
whopping 21% next year, with other rate
increases slated through 2014, for a total
37% hike.
Are the increased rates intended to pay
for a budget shortfall? Are they going up
because the cost of energy is going up, too?
The increased rates would raise Commie
money to "invest" in Commie 'renewable'
In fact, the Commie Mayor
thought the hike was so important
that he invited Commie former 'Vice
President' Commie Al Gore to present
the plan at the city council meeting via satellite
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;