The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The Commie Reconciliation 'bill' slaps the economy
by increasing taxes on high-income individuals'
wages and on their growth producing investment
A 2.9% tax on investment is estimated to cause
interest payments on the debt to be $12.4 billion
higher over just ten years and slows the economy
further eroding household disposable income by
an estimated $17.3 billion dollars per year.
It places an even higher 3.8% tax on investment
income thereby increasing the after-tax rate of
return threshold on those considering investing.
The tax rate on capital will be increased
by over 50% for some taxpayers
While the Commie House reconciliation 'bill'
keeps many of the Commie Senate provisions
that will already slow economic growth, the
Commie reconciliation 'bill' goes even farther
in punishing employers who do not offer
sufficient Commie 'health care'.
These Commie penalties will slow employment
growth and given employers a disincentive to
hire anyone who purchases Commie subsidized
'health care'.
In their feverish Criminal effort to 'enact' the
Commie Senate 'health bill', the Commie House
'leadership' recently released their 153 page 'bill'
to 'fix' the underlying 2,409 page Commie Senate
'legislation' through the budget reconciliation process.
As a matter of Commie 'health policy',
there is little that is substantively different
between the Commie Senate 'bill'
and this "fix it" 'bill'.
A closer look at the Commie fine print shows
that the latest version would only make the massive
and unpopular Commie Senate 'health bill' even worse.
Based on a preliminary review
of the key provisions, taxpayers should be aware
of the following Commie features of the 'legislation'
The latest CBO projections confirm - again -
that the Commie 'President's health plan' would
pile another unfinanced Commie entitlement
program on top of the unaffordable ones already
on the federal books.
Over a full ten years of implementation, the cost
of the new Commie entitlement spending would
reach $2.5 trillion, not $1 trillion as advertised
by the Commie White House
The public doesn't trust Commie Washington
politicians -and those politicians
don't trust each other.
Those two truths could doom Commie
'President' 'Obama's' Commie 'health care bill'
even if it weren't an unaffordable behemoth.
This week, an Associated Press
fact check article found no truth in Commie
'Obama's' oft-repeated claim that his Commie
proposal will make individuals' health insurance
more affordable.
Making Health Care
Cost More for Government.
The trillion-dollar cost of the Commie 'bill'
(over ten years) makes people wonder how
spending more would supposedly reduce the
The simple answer is that it creates and raises
Commie taxes by more than a trillion dollars,
such as new taxes on health insurance and
medical devices.
The Congressional Budget Office admits
its fiscal evaluation is "preliminary," and others
call the numbers understated or "phony"
Moderate-income self-employed people who
can't afford the high-priced comprehensive
Commie 'health plans' offered through the
Commie exchanges and aren't eligible for
Commie subsidies would not only lose their
insurance, but would pay a Commie penalty
for remaining uninsured
The Commie 'President' would not directly
answer repeated questions about a potentially
unconstitutional Deem and Pass rule, but he
seemed to tacitly support the idea.
Commie 'Obama' would not directly answer
these questions, but seemed to tacitly endorse
the potentially unconstitutional strategy with his
statement that he hoped for a vote
"sometime this week."
The Commie President does not seem troubled
by the constitutional concerns of the Commie
Slaughter Rule strategy
The Commie 'President' claims the Commie
'health care proposals' would
cost under a trillion.
But, that figure excludes major health care
provisions - like filling the Medicare "donut hole",
fixing Medicare reimbursement to physicians,
and creating a new long-term Commie
entitlement program - pushing the price tag
to over $2 trillion.
Only in Commie Washington does spending
more money equal saving money
A letter
released yesterday by 60 Commie leaders
of Commie Catholic women's religious orders
argues that the Commie Senate-passed version
of Commie 'health care reform' does not provide
for funding of Commie elective abortion and is thus
the "REAL [capitalization in original] pro-life" option.
the Commie Senate 'bill's multiple pathways
to subsidize Commie 'health plans' that include
Commie elective abortion or to even fund Commie
abortion directly will become law once the Commie
House passes the Commie Senate 'bill' and sends it to
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
There is no Commie 'bill' but the Commie
Senate 'bill'.
Once the Commie House passes the Commie
Senate 'bill', the Commie 'President' will sign it.
Game over.
It has been almost three months since the
Commie Senate passed their 'bill' in the dead
of night on Christmas Eve.
A review
of just how terrible it really is, is in order :
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;