Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oppose & Resist Unconstitutional Hell Care Whores : Satanic Commie Progressive Zombie Traitor Death Panels & Eugenics ;

According to the official site of the
House Rules Committee, "questions of privilege"
relate to "matters affecting the safety, dignity or
integrity of the House, or the rights, reputation or
conduct of a member acting as a representative."

House Commie leaders are poised to use a
procedural tactic of questionable constitutionality
to move the single most consequential piece of
Commie legislation in over seven decades through
the House without a vote.

Here's the idea: (1) pass a rule to bring to the
floor a "reconciliation" measure that would detoxify
certain provisions in the Senate-passed health-reform
bill, and (2) insert in the rule a sentence that "deems"
the Senate bill to have passed the House.

But it is not constitutional

Yesterday, Speaker of the House
Commie Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) endorsed the
rumored Commmie Slaughter Rule to send the
Commie Senate passed Commie Obamacare
'bill' to the Commie 'President' without a direct
up-or-down vote in the House.

Don't believe those on the Commie left who
are trying to argue that because Republicans
used 'deeming' resolutions when they were in
power, it is ok for Democrats to use a similar
tactic to pass Commie legislation
without a vote.

Under this procedure, the Commie House
would vote on a rule setting up debate.

The Commie House would then skip a vote
on the Commie Senate passed version of
Commie Obamacare and move directly to a
vote on reconciliation Commie amendments to
that Commie Senate passed 'bill'.

If reconciliation passes, then the Commie House
will 'deem' the Commie Senate 'bill' to have
passed the Commie House without a direct vote.

This is yet another reason Commie
Obamacare would be unconstitutional

Ever since the U.S. Senate voted
in December to provide new funding for
Federally Qualified Health Centers in its
version of Commie health care reform,
analysts have pointed out that these monies
are not covered by the Hyde Amendment,
the measure dating from 1976 that sharply
limits federal financing of Commie abortion.

As a consequence,
these new funds appropriated by the Senate
Commie bill, which is now being moved
through the House of Representatives by an
extraordinary legislative Commie device, are
available without statutory limit to underwrite
elective Commie abortions

There's more going on in Washington this week
than Commie 'health care reform'.

Giving up on efforts
to get a bipartisan Commie deal on financial
regulation, Commie Senate Financial Services
Committee chair Commie Chris Dodd today
released his own plan - sans GOP support -
for "fixing" the financial system.

The Commie goal, according to the plan,
is to create a Commie financial system that will
not only prevent another Commie financial crisis,
but one that "works for and protects" Americans.

The new Commie regulations being proposed
will make the financial system worse, not better.

And while claiming to make Commie financial
bailouts a thing of the past, it would actually
make them more likely, in effect creating a
permanent Commie TARP program

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;