Oppose The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
& Anti Capitalistic :
Satanic Zombieland On The Potomac ;
Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds :
The Commie Vote For Commie Hell Care ;
The House vote is the final vote.
The Senate Parliamentarian has ruled
that 'President' 'Barack Obama' must sign
Commie Congress' original Commie health care
'reform' bill before the Senate can act on a
companion reconciliation package,
senior GOP sources said Thursday.
Senate Parliamentarian Rules Commie 'Obama'
Must Sign Senate Bill BEFORE Reconciliation
The threat of reconciliation
in the Commie Senate is hollow.
There isn't going to be any reconciliation.
Once the Commie House approves the Senate
bill, all the talk of reconciliation will evaporate.
The Commie Senate health care bill provides the
foundation for a Commie government takeover
of health care.
Do you really think Commie Senate Democrats
are going to prolong the health care debate for
weeks on end to strip abortion funding
from the bill?
Again, I can't be more clear :
this is the Code Red alert for the final vote to pass
Commie 'healthcare'
Commie House Rules Chairwoman
Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the
Commie 'healthcare' 'overhaul' through the House
and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Commie
Senate 'overhaul' bill, the chairwoman said.
Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would
consider the Commie Senate bill passed once the
Commie House approves a 'corrections' bill that
would make changes to the Senate version.
Slaughter has not taken the plan to Commie
Speaker Pelosi as Commie Democrats await
CBO scores on the corrections bill.
"Once the CBO gives us the score we'll spring
right on it," she said.
The Slaughter Solution has one very large
obstacle -the Constitution Article I, Section 7
Clearly, this Commie Congress is so desperate
to pass Commie ObamaCare, despite the
American people's utter hatred of the Commie
bill and everything it represents- including the
Commie path to socialism and Commie
government control of the people.
However, if this Congress continues down this
path of violating the Constitution, the "people"
will have a viable case, class-action or otherwise,
in the US courts because it is going to be
extremely difficult for a judge to ignore that the
111th Commie Democrat-Progressive led
Congress violated Article I, Section 7
to the most obscene extent
Commie Senate Banking Chairman
Christopher Dodd has said that he will unveil
legislation to revamp the nation's financial
regulatory system without the support of
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., with whom he
had been working to strike a bipartisan deal.
Dodd, of course, is one of the architects
of the current Commie financial crisis.
His decades long support of Commies
ACORN, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and the Community Reinvestment Act
should have disqualified him from these
negotiations in the first place
The Commie Senate's
"financial services reform" legislation
As is the new Commie DC operating procedure
for major legislation, there are almost no firm
details on the current language.
We know there will be a large new Commie
federal bureaucracy, somewhere within
government, to provide "consumer protection"
for financial products.
We know there will be a $50 billion tax on
banking customers to provide a permanent
Commie bailout fund, or as Commie Sen.
Corker would describe it,
a "wind-down" fund.
Unfortunately, we also know that the bill will do
nothing to reform Commie Fannie Mae
or Freddie Mac, who continue to drain
billions from the U.S. Treasury.
There were a number of Commie causes that
inflated the housing bubble.
The Fed's policy of, essentially, free money in the
early part of the decade sloshed money across the
financial system and allowed credit to be widely
available to anyone with a pulse.
Ever more exotic Commie financial products
that few understood ingrained themselves into
bank balance sheets as little ticking time-bombs.
But, the scope of the crisis would have been far
less severe, if it hadn't been accompanied by
explicit Commie government pressure on banks
to loosen their lending criteria.
Commie Leftist activist groups like ACORN
and the Commie Center for Responsible Lending
exerted complementary pressure through the media.
With nearly-free money, entities like Commie
Fannie and Freddie eager buy up even the riskiest
loans and near-universal predictions of forever
increasing house prices, it is little wonder banks
bowed to the outside pressure
and loosened their standards
Commie Systematic voter registration fraud
It is unconscionable that the Justice Department
has not conducted a fully comprehensive criminal
investigation into - and prosecution of - this matter.
Given Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
close connections to Commie ACORN, including
his Commie campaign's hiring of the Commie
ACORN's Project Vote organization, it seems
questionable at best that Attorney General Holder
has failed to seriously investigate these and other
Commie ACORN criminal activities
A line is being drawn in the sand
between the statists and Americans,
and I use the term American
in the grandest sense.
The United States of America represents one
of the last bastions of traditional liberalism,
which is why the Left should no longer be identified
as liberal, but rather we should continue to identify
its members as progressive statists.
The Left believes the precepts
of our Constitution have failed society,
and thus, we must look towards the
"enlightened democracies" of socialized Europe
for guidance in the progression of American society
The Communist Hell Care Coup
The Energy and Environment Coup
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Satanic World Order ;