Monday, March 22, 2010

Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The Commie Hell Care Coup Review ;

Members of the Commie House
of Representatives have approved Commie
'President' 'Obama's' 'health care' 'agenda',
the biggest expansion of Commie government
power since the Commie Great Society.

The Commie 'Obama' 'health care' 'legislation'
is universal in scope and will profoundly impact
the personal lives of more than 300 million

It will restrict our personal freedom
while undercutting the independence
and authority of the several states

The Commie 'health care' 'legislation' would
cover the uninsured mainly by dumping most
of them into the federal/state Medicaid

Not surprisingly, many states have objected
to the additional costs that such a Commie
Medicaid expansion would impose on their

Indeed, that was the motivation behind the
infamous Commie "Cornhusker Kickback"
in the Commie Senate 'bill', under which the
Commie Federal government would pick up
all of Nebraska's Commie Medicaid
expansion costs in perpetuity

Commie Hell Care :
What's In It For You ;

-A Massively Engorged Commie

-A Commie
Cornhusker Kickback for All

-A Freight train of Commie taxes,
slamming the American people

the shape-shifting Commie tax monster

-Unconstitutional Commie mandates,
courtesy of Commie Congress

-Lock your back door, Higher Commie
'health care' costs will be sneaking in

-Lights out for small businesses?

-Commie Abortions,
You will pay for them, like it or not

-Want to play the stock market?
Maybe not, after you read this

It's not a federal system, after all

Commie Congressional 'leaders' are gleefully
reporting that the Congressional Budget Office
score of their Commie 'health care proposal'
shows that their Commie legislation would
reduce the federal deficit by $138 billion in
the first ten years.

But Not so fast-
consummate professionals though they
are, CBO provides a projection based on
assumptions about the future conduct of
Commie Congress that do not 'always'
represent reality

NBC News and The Wall Street Journal have
released poll results that are disturbing but by
no means surprising.

The March 11th - 14th poll of 1000
American adults showed that only 17% of
respondents approve of the job Congress is
doing in Commie Washington.

And as bad as that number is, the reason why
Congress' approval rating is so low is even
more disturbing : a full 76% of Americans
simply do not trust the U.S. Commie

This was the lowest level of trust for any
representative entity tested by NBC/WSJ.

It is no coincidence that these record low
ratings come amid current debate over
health care in the Commie Congress.

Former U.S. Attorneys General
Edwin Meese III and William P. Barr
released the following statement :

Commie Senator Chris Dodd's monstrous
1336-page Commie financial reform draft
includes a whopping 217 pages devoted to
"improving" over-the-counter Commie
derivatives markets.

The Commie derivatives section
may be replaced by a yet-to-be-released
bipartisan Commie compromise from
Commie Senators Jack Reed
and Judd Gregg.

But the Dodd draft suggests
that Commie legislators are focused
on bureaucratic imperatives rather
than improving markets

The Communist Hell Care Coup

The Energy and Environment Coup

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Satanic World Order ;