Monday, March 22, 2010

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

In a matter of hours after House Commie
passage of the Commie Senate 'Bill',
the state of Virginia will file suit
in federal court.

The Commonwealth will be joined
in the suit by a dozen other states.

I expect a flood of additional lawsuits.
The suits will be based on the Commie
'provision' that requires every American
to purchase Commie 'health insurance'.

(This is how the Commie Dems
'crack down' on the insurance industry;
by requiring everyone to buy its product?)

Because this is an individual Commie mandate,
virtually every American has standing to file suit
against this provision.

Also, it is in direct conflict with state law
in at least two states, Idaho and Virginia

The American people
don't trust big Commie government.

Reinforcing those insecurities
and applying them to the health care debate
was precisely the point of raising the issue
& In fairness, negative perceptions of
Commie government bureaucracy certainly
pre-date the Commie 'Obama' 'administration'
and the current "reform" battle.

But much of today's scorn
for big Commi government can be
laid at the feet of Commie policies
proposed and instituted by Commie
'President' 'Obama' and his party.

Americans' skepticism toward
Commie government 'intervention'
has grown more acute after a series
of recent high-profile federal flops

The Commie Hell Care
Coup Coup Review ;

Rations and denies access to healthcare;

Denying access to healthcare
is the most inhumane and unethical
means of cutting costs;

( $100 Billion more than The Senate Bill) ;

Creates over 110 Federal Agencies,
commissions and boards;

Creates The Health Insurance Rate Authority
.. a direct violation of States' Rights;

a " Comprehensive Database" on Americans;

Individual and Employer Mandates
(Mr. Obama's own Chair of Council of
Economic Advisors has stated that this alone
would cost 5.5 Million jobs
..more unemployment.);

Institutes $748 Billion in new taxes;

Cuts Medicare by $500 Billion,
over a period when 30% MORE Americans
will be added to Medicare rolls,
(You do the math.);

Imposes $136 Billion in tax hikes
on working families making LESS
THAN $250,000
(Americans for Tax Reform Analysis);

Ends Medicare Advantage Program
for Seniors and forces them to a more
expensive plan with less benefits;

Applies Medicare Tax to unearned income;

Increases Medicare Payroll Tax
from 2.95 to 3.8%; and Increases
unfunded mandates on every State.

Increases Capital Gains tax rate
as of 2014 to 23.8%

Creates 16,000 jobs for the IRS
to implement penalties
for those not buying insurance

Commie Immigration reform advocates
are keeping the heat on key Commie
Senators to act quickly on a new
Commie legislative package, saying
time is short to get anything done
this year.

Despite scoring a couple of successes in recent
days - the unveiling of a Commie bipartisan
proposal by Commie Sens. Charles Schumer
(D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
last week followed by a large Commie rally
Sunday on the National Mall - Commie
reform advocates are worried it will get
increasingly difficult to move Commie
legislation with each day that passes
before the midterm elections